We’ve heard that it’s important to take a rest day every now and then. But, what happens when your rest day turns into a rest week, or a rest month? Whether you’ve taken a hiatus from your workout routine or are just curious as to what changes happen when you stop physical activity, keep reading to see the 6 things that happen when you stop exercising.
1. Blood Pressure.
Blood pressure will be affected immediately after stopping exercise. On the days you are hitting the gym, your blood pressure will remain normal. But, on the days you skip your workout, your blood pressure will be higher.
2. Mood Changes and Brain Activity.
Many researchers have linked regular exercise with a decrease in depression. Exercise plays a key role in lifting your mood. When you stop physical activity, you may notice a decrease in your brain activity with recalling information or being able to think quickly on your toes.
3. Muscle Mass.
Once you quit training your muscles, you may notice that they will start to shrink. Unfortunately, muscle mass takes time and effort to grow but can deplete quickly.
4. Blood Sugar.
Regular exercise is a great way to control blood sugar levels. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), physical activity can lower your blood glucose up to 24 hours after your workout meaning your body is more sensitive to insulin. Stopping exercise can cause your blood sugar levels to spike.
5. Endurance.
People who don’t regularly workout get winded quickly. When you stop workout you lose the ability to convert oxygen into energy efficiently leaving you gasping for air.
6. Weight.
Exercise isn’t the only factor in weight loss but regular physical activity is associated with lower weight and weight loss. When you stop exercise, your weight is more likely to start creeping back up.
Sometimes You Need a Break
Although it’s important to get regular physical activity, sometimes our bodies need time to rest and recover. Here are some times when it’s ok to slack off on exercising:
- You are sick (especially if you have a fever or symptoms that affect your chest).
- You are injured.
- You are absolutely exhausted.
- You over did your previous workout and are too sore to exercise.
Monitor, Kashmir. “This Is What Happens When You Stop Exercising .” Nexis Uni , 25 Dec. 2016, advance-lexis-com.ezproxy.uwsp.edu/document/?pdmfid=1516831&crid=b053e5e8-5111-4e31-b102-ce87e7ef7ac2&pddocfullpath=%2Fshared%2Fdocument%2Fnews%2Furn%3AcontentItem%3A5MG1-WDY1-JDKC-R4G7-00000-00&pddocid=urn%3AcontentItem%3A5MG1-WDY1-JDKC-R4G7-00000-00&pdcontentcomponentid=377720&pdteaserkey=sr0&pditab=allpods&ecomp=5fyk&earg=sr0&prid=80888c34-c847-4d54-8d89-9e6dd4902aaf.